So what is it about the Cyber Child?
I guess some of us like to get away from the crowed and experiment.
Well to tell the truth I used to....
I found the experience mostly very interesting. Yes you can get the crazy stranger who you can quickly block, but in the most part it was very entertaining.
In my previous post I spoke about some safety issue online. These are important, but as I said it is the same when you go out to a bar. You need to check out a person for a while before you jump straight in.
Remember you can show a picture of about anything or anyone online. Creating a persona that is larger then life, but personally I think the written nature of cyber allows you quickly to work out where someone is coming from.
I always used to look for that interesting one liner's. Something quirky used to grab my attention. In many cases most people just like to chat. There were times that I didn't take the process very seriously, but then all of a sudden one time I was suddenly taken by surprised about the emotions I suddenly developed from my online chatting. To be honest at the time it threw me into a bit of a spin. I had thought nothing online could really develop into anything of any substance, but it did and it took sometime for me to pull away. I hadn't really even seen this person, so in the end of the day I didn't know whether they were real or not, but that was a real wake up call for me in understanding that falling in love online was more then real.
There are various dating sites online, from your gentle to very explicit. You can determine for yourself what you are comfortable with. Sometimes I think when there is more openness there is less BS, that's just my opinion. Important to protect your own personal information, but having said that I met my current partner online and I probably followed all the wrong rules. I guess to me women have a good sense of intuition, but then again just lucky I guess. We have now been together for over 3 very happy years.
One of the reasons for the success of our connection were a few things. We both had reasonably detailed profiles. They both had extensive likes and dislikes listed and hey they were creative and sincere. That included what we liked sexually. I think that's the gem of the internet, rather then wondering what someone is really like and falling into a relationship, only later to find that they aren't comfortable doing certain things and having those issues effect your long term relationship. The internet from my experience allows you to get a better idea of who you are getting involved with.
Just a couple of notes, singles go for your life, those in relationships I'd suggest talking to your partner about it and including them otherwise it can get nasty and because from what I've found you can fall in love if your not careful even if you think it's just a throw away online. Some might think what's the fun in that , well just a personal warning.
Anyway importantly if you want to find love online, be creative don't just flop your bits out. Work with what you've got. Hey it may even mean you become more aware of yourself in the process. Hey and respect , respect who you are speaking to. I know some find that difficult but don't over stay your welcome and think that they may want to do the same tomorrow. Move on!
If you've never tried it before when finding a new partner then give it a go.
I'd like to here your experiences with online dating good and bad.
Please add your comments below.
Note any really offensive comments will be deleted.
I want a little sugar in my bowl Nina Simone.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Yes I do Cyber.
Posted by Megan. at 12:25 AM 0 comments
Labels: 100 online dating, online dating business, online dating review, online dating sites, senior online dating, singles online dating, women online dating
Monday, July 27, 2009
A Women's Gaze.
It is interesting to me that we are effected so dramatically by our background, media and social restraints that a women's sexuality, sensuality is still misunderstood. Now I'm not one to watch 60 minutes as a real source of educated and informed opinion, but forgetting to turn the channel meant that in the background I could hear Bettina Arndt speaking about sex and relationships.
Whether the interview was manipulated to fit into the target market for this program or not, I am continually flabbergasted by this perception that women don't have the same drive for sex as men. Maybe its purely wording that annoys me about this statement, or maybe it's the simplicity of this point of view.
Let me put it like this women to me have just as much sex drive as men, it is the approach that is lacking. It is knowledge that is lacking not drive. Oh and importantly freedom and perception. It is time that the comments made by sex perts like Bettina Arndt's were counter acted by proper research that doesn't just start with the tabloids or basic science.
I know that the mind is a powerful tool and most important for women and sex. It is interesting how Internet dating and other adult dating sites are booming. Why? because when you take away the traditional superficial level of intimacy people naturally need to refine their approach.
It can take some practice and avoidance of your basic trash pervert, but as in life patience is important you start to determine subtleties. For some of us this is easier in the beginning.
Mind you the same warnings apply to online dating and chat as it might at a bar. If you ever agree to meet someone always let a close friend or family member know,. Have your cell phone close, but these are just precautions.
Anyway getting back to subtleties, texting or talking on forums can lead to a creative mind. You can also remain completely anonymous, but warning if you are not single playing around can lead to dangerous liaisons . You are better off involving your partner then keeping it seperate.
This is how my point about women and the mind come in. I love the mind it is one of the most important and powerful sexual tools you can have. It's not how big or small it's how you present it.
To be continued.....tomorrow
Posted by Megan. at 3:39 AM 0 comments
Labels: men's sex drive, sensuality, women's sex drive
Now Don't Run Away...Tantric
Posted by Megan. at 3:30 AM 0 comments
Labels: language of love, non porn erotica, sensual, soft sex, tantric
Using Sexuality is Not Porn.
It is well known through advertising and other agencies that sex sells, but what form of sex sells. Is it graphic or is it subtle? My preference is based on my art background, but I'm not scared of all forms of expression. I agree in regards to some boundaries, but sexuality is not a threat, but a beauty.Sensuality is a powerful tool and brings beauty and joy to many people.
Posted by Megan. at 2:43 AM 0 comments
Labels: massage, online dating, sensual, sensual erotic, tantra massage
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Welcome to Sugar Mumma.
Sometimes I think that this is a classic. I have been told the dreams of girls waiting for that women in the white suit and white limousine to pick them up from the bus shelter as it pours down with rain, whisk them off to a life of bliss and pampering....
Can it be true?
Well I guess anything can be. From shows like the Millionaire bachelors and L Word these represent a fantasy, but are they obtainable ? I know that true love is obtainable and sometimes by chance or accident. To me this can be true for more then just one avenue in life. For instance the most durable performers are not necessarily those who go on Idol, but those who just apply there art to what they do and are passionate about their craft and not necessarily the fame or money that come with it. Many times they are not even thinking about that side until all of a sudden it is thrust upon them.
In some cases they want to run from it, but of-course you have bills to pay and you need a certain amount of fame as an artist to make a living from it. Having said that like all levels of any circumstance in life there are all the variables under the sun.
I'd like to play with this blog explore the fantasy's of beauty and sexuality, look for the most suggested, but non-pornographic sources of suggested sexuality that I can find from classics to modern expressions of erotic essence. Explore the title of Sugar Mumma come with me and explore.
Posted by Megan. at 4:43 AM 0 comments
Labels: beauty, dating millionaire, dating millionaires, dating rich, dating rich men, dating site for millionaire, erotic, lesbian dating, sexuality, sugar mumma, sugar mummy